We're going multi-dimensional in this release, query GraphQL API's, run curl scripts, generate Vector Embeddings, query using Semantic Search and developer API Documentation. Are we missing something? Let us know!
Vector Embeddings and Semantic Search​
Dynamically generate Vector embeddings from API and Web data. Persist vector embeddings into a vector database such as pinecone, and semantically query on the fly. Query pre-populated vector databases for performant search.
Run curl Scripts and Query GraphQL APIs​
Take your curl and GraphQL games to the next level... Run, paginate, cache, schedule and securely authenticate curl and GraphQL queries. Transform and persist curl and GraphQL differential results to 30+ stores. Generate synthetic datasets and Vector Embeddings using curl and GraphQL results data. Use generative AI to create curl/GraphQL scripts/queries to run.
Read more on curl...
Read more on GraphQL...
Developer API Documentation​
The crul API allows for programatic access to core crul services and resources. This includes dispatching queries and results retrieval, as well as create, read, update, delete (CRUD) operations on core crul resources such as scheduled queries, credentials, domain policies, and more.
And much much more...​
Join our Community​
Come hang out and ask us any questions. Some of the features and fixes in this release come from your requests!
Crul’n IT,
Nic and Carl